Discusión Pro.
Nutrida han estado en los últimos días las siempre bien editadas cartas al director de El Mercurio. La conspicua A2 ha sido testigo una vez más de una suerte de revival de la ya nada nueva trifulca entre los pro-choice y los pro-life (apriete ahí donde está en azul doña Pilar Jarpa). El Desorden tiene a bien ofrecerles otra versión de esta misma discusión, tomada de la sexta temporada de Seinfeld.
Intro: En este capítulo (The Couch, 1994), Elaine va con Jerry a comer al restaurante de Poppie. Ella, pro-choice acérrima, se negará a comer si es que Poppie es del bando contrario. El pasaje ejemplifica la disposición a dialogar de Poppie, característica de los pro-life:
"Jerry and Elaine at Poppie's Restaurant.
JERRY: Poppie, I was just curious...where do you stand on the abortion issue?
POPPIE: When my mother was abducted by the Communists, she was with child...
JERRY: Oh, boy.
POPPIE: ...but the Communists, they put an end to that! So, on this issue there is no debate! And no intelligent person can think differently.
ELAINE (offended): Well...Poppie. I think differently.
POPPIE: And what gives you the right to do that?
ELAINE (standing up): The Supreme Court gives me the right to do that!
Recap: Kramer con Poppie deciden abrir un restaurante en donde la gracia es que cada uno se pueda preparar su propia pizza. El diálogo ilustra las posiciones respecto a cuándo comienza la vida humana.
New scene - Kramer and Poppie in the kitchen of the restaurant, making the first 'test pizza.'
KRAMER (in a chef's hat and apron): See, anybody can do this.
POPPIE: Use your wrist! It's all in the wrist. Not too high!
KRAMER (puts the dough on the counter): Alright, put a little sauce on here... Some cheese...
POPPIE: Not too much!
KRAMER: And...cucumbers!
POPPIE: Wait a second...what is that?
KRAMER: It's cucumbers.
POPPIE: No, no. You can't put cucumbers on a pizza.
KRAMER: Well, why not? I like cucumbers.
POPPIE: That's not a pizza. It'll taste terrible.
KRAMER: But that's the idea, you make your own pie.
POPPIE: Yes, but we cannot give the people the right to choose any topping they want! Now on this issue there can be no debate!
KRAMER: What gives you the right to tell me how I would make my pie?
POPPIE: Because it's a pizza!
KRAMER: It's not a pizza until it comes out of the oven!
POPPIE: It's a pizza the moment you put your fists in the dough!
KRAMER: No, it isn't!
POPPIE: Yes, it is!
para qe se haga a Usted mismo
Intro: En este capítulo (The Couch, 1994), Elaine va con Jerry a comer al restaurante de Poppie. Ella, pro-choice acérrima, se negará a comer si es que Poppie es del bando contrario. El pasaje ejemplifica la disposición a dialogar de Poppie, característica de los pro-life:
"Jerry and Elaine at Poppie's Restaurant.
JERRY: Poppie, I was just curious...where do you stand on the abortion issue?
POPPIE: When my mother was abducted by the Communists, she was with child...
JERRY: Oh, boy.
POPPIE: ...but the Communists, they put an end to that! So, on this issue there is no debate! And no intelligent person can think differently.
ELAINE (offended): Well...Poppie. I think differently.
POPPIE: And what gives you the right to do that?
ELAINE (standing up): The Supreme Court gives me the right to do that!
Recap: Kramer con Poppie deciden abrir un restaurante en donde la gracia es que cada uno se pueda preparar su propia pizza. El diálogo ilustra las posiciones respecto a cuándo comienza la vida humana.
New scene - Kramer and Poppie in the kitchen of the restaurant, making the first 'test pizza.'
KRAMER (in a chef's hat and apron): See, anybody can do this.
POPPIE: Use your wrist! It's all in the wrist.
KRAMER (puts the dough on the counter): Alright, put a little sauce on here...
POPPIE: Not too much!
KRAMER: And...cucumbers!
POPPIE: Wait a second...what is that?
KRAMER: It's cucumbers.
POPPIE: No, no. You can't put cucumbers on a pizza.
KRAMER: Well, why not? I like cucumbers.
POPPIE: That's not a pizza. It'll taste terrible.
KRAMER: But that's the idea, you make your own pie.
POPPIE: Yes, but we cannot give the people the right to choose any topping they want! Now on this issue there can be no debate!
KRAMER: What gives you the right to tell me how I would make my pie?
POPPIE: Because it's a pizza!
KRAMER: It's not a pizza until it comes out of the oven!
POPPIE: It's a pizza the moment you put your fists in the dough!
KRAMER: No, it isn't!
POPPIE: Yes, it is!
para qe se haga a Usted mismo
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